- Web Design Services - |
Roll your mouse over the above pictures to see a "roll-over" effect. Sound Foundry can help you meet your world wide web goals and plans. With a little help and setup you'll be on your way to a professional presentation for promotion, sales and visibility! Sound Foundry can help design printed materials to match your web theme (or vise-versa) such as posters, flyers, cards - to create a unified marketing tool to This website was created with these services. All the Photography, photo-effects and processing are original and created right here as well. (Please look the sight over and also see the photography section for more original pictures. Pictures are shot in both film and digital depending upon the goals. (For certain goals, color slide film is often used for it's beautiful color depth... as well as professional true black and white film. The slide film or negatives are then scanned at the needed resolution and converted to digital format.) We can work with your existing photos and art work too - from prints, negatives, digital or original art work - and convert it for web or print use. (Scratches and flaws can often be removed in the digital world!) In fact, photography is not a sideline here... it is a complete business in itself. See the professional photography section! Many projects have nothing to do with music or the Web! Web communities such as web boards for fans & customers and order/pay options can also be added. Also, don't forget Creative Graphics (now with new and improved plasma lips!!) - good graphics get attention and may even get people to tell their friends to visit you! Dream it... and it likely can be so!!
Take a look at a recent artist sight: www.blue-sapphire2.com Sound Foundry can take you through the process of registering your URL name (the "www.something.com" name) and find a company that will provide space to host your website 24/7. We can usually find deals that beat the common market price!
Feel free to email and ask questions. You can also request a no-cost planning meeting if you wish!
Email Request for Web Services